Note: I'm trying to decide whether I want to copy my website to here as well.

I'm copying a few pages here temporarily, but the original vrsion of this site is at


You may be asking yourself,
What the hecc is this?

This is my personal site!

Great, but why in the name of Sam Hill does this disgusting thing exist?

I ask myself this exact question every morning when I look in the mirror.
Oh, you mean why does this website exist?

Good question!

Back in the day, furries often had tacky home-made personal pages. Since those don't really exist anymore, my goal is to recreate this lost art with my terrible HTML skills!

Also, I might post some stuff here if I don't know where else to post it.

This site is very much under construction, and I don't know if it will ever be completely done, it's just kind of a side hobby I may work on sporadically.

Until then, make yourself at home, and enjoy the horrible web design! But hey, these simple pages load so much faster than clunky modern websites!


Downloads 'n' Stuff

Join the Official Pala Fanclub

My accounts on other sites:

Reddit (Most active)


Weasyl (Barely ever used)
